
Integration schemes with fixed time step size for non-smooth dynamical systems with contact and friction

Landslide Initiation, Evolution and Remediation: Physical and Numerical Modeling (LIEREM)

Investigation of landslide initiation caused by rainfall infiltration using Budget
small-scale physical and numerical modelling

Rockfall hazard identification and rockfall protection in the coastal zone of Croatia

Experimental study of bridge structures considering the asymmetric effect under multiple support excitation

Experimental testing of large span structures under the influence of multiple support excitation

Rigid block rocking on an elastic structure – approach by the method of non-smooth contact dynamics and experimental verification

Collisions in rocking multi-body systems – experimental and numerical investigation

Development of a finite element for shells on the concept of bound interpolation and its application to layered structures

Development of a model for predicting the behaviour of pedestrian children in the urban transport network

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