
Over the past decade, the Faculty has seen a significant increase in the number of scientific papers published in journals indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection (WoSCC), the number of citations and the number of active research projects, which is an indicator of the multi-year efforts to gain recognition for the Faculty and our researchers in the scientific community.

Today, the Faculty participates in numerous European and international research projects, projects of the Croatian Science Foundation, projects founde by the University of Rijeka and projects with partners from the business community. In the period of the last two research strategies (2011-2015; 2016-2020), there was a significant increase in revenues to finance research work.

With the aim of putting science at the service of society and strengthening applied research, as well as connecting with business, industry and general public, activities that involve scientific communication, public forums and conferences are being promoted. Faculty members participate in the science communication, bring research results closer to the general public.

Intra- and inter-institutional research cooperation, journal paper production and mobility are promoted through continuous awarding.

Over the years, the following key research topics have emerged:

  1. Landslide research:
    • establishment of landslide monitoring system
    • physical and numerical modeling of landslides under static and dynamic conditions
    • laboratory studies of the properties of materials in landslides
    • preparation of hazard and landslide risk maps
    • application of remote sensing methods in landslide research and monitoring
    • research on the triggers and mechanisms of landslides triggered by precipitation
    • research on the efficiency of landslide remediation methods.
  2. Coastal analysis:
    • assessment of sea level rise,
    • assessment of impacts of extreme events on critical coastal areas and infrastructures
    • new tools for mapping and analysis of coastal vulnerability and hazards on the indented and steep Croatian coast
    • application of new remote sensing technologies in coastal research
    • risk assessment of complex floods
    • development of computer models for multi-layered flows in coastal rivers and estuaries
    • computer models for currents, floods, and pollution dispersion
    • complex numerical and statistical analyzes
    • hybrid computer models combining physics-based approaches with artificial intelligence.
  3. Climate change impacts:
    • climate change and its impacts on the occurrence of natural hazards
    • applied landslide research to develop climate change risk mitigation and prevention measures,
    • hydrologic analyzes and projections of climate change impacts on water resources
    • hydrologic-hydraulic analyzes of sustainable stormwater drainage systems
    • management of karst coastal aquifers
    • environmental risk reduction through monitoring
    • conditions for infrastructure systems that ensure functionality and increase natural resilience to hazards.
  4. Experimental analysis in engineering mechanics:
    • dynamics of block structures and discontinuous systems
    • experimental exploration of the Cosserat continuum and the classical continuum using new 3D printing technologies
    • exploration of multilayer composite structures and determination of composite fracture toughness.
  5. Numerical analysis in engineering mechanics:
    • dynamics of block and discontinuous systems
    • development of more accurate and robust numerical models for static and dynamic linear and nonlinear analysis of mechanical problems with rotational degrees of freedom (3D beam, 3D micropolar continuum)
    • modeling of plates, membranes and shells, load bearing capacity of composite structures
    • nonlinear multi-parameter and multi-level models of adhesives
    • peridynamics as a non-local theory of mechanics.
  6. Assessment of the condition of existing structures and their integrity:
    • establishment of a system for monitoring existing structures – conducting field and laboratory tests
    • valorization of existing and improvement of budget models for evaluating the condition of structures
    • establishment of procedures for analyzing and interpreting measurement data from large data sets
    • identification of parameters and loads on structures through experimentation
    • numerical simulations using inverse methods
    • separation and identification of the influence of different parameters responsible for the very complex and stochastic behavior of concrete under different loads
    • evaluation of the condition of structures and methods after exceptional impacts with special emphasis on seismic impacts
    • laboratory tests in the development of innovation concepts.
  7. Planning and design of transportation infrastructures:
    • definition of models for operating speeds
    • research of parameters affecting the safety of sensitive road users
    • modeling of traffic flows – motorized and non-motorized
    • optimization of geometric elements of urban transportation infrastructures.
  8. Analysis of the properties of asphalt mixtures and asphalt pavements:
    • development of a model of heat propagation in a flexible pavement
    • definition of local parameters in the analysis of the bearing capacity of pavements
    • testing of the macrotexture and skid resistance of asphalt pavements
    • testing of the properties of asphalt made of recyclable materials (rubber, etc.)
    • non-standard tests of porous asphalt mixtures.
  9. Design and organization areas:
    • application of soft computing tools in the field of modeling of the main project parameters – project cost and time
    • development of one-dimensional and multi-dimensional regression models based on time-cost models
    • development of hybrid cost-time models based on the application of neural networks / support vectors and time-cost models
    • exploration of the possible structures of the cost predicting system (Cost Predicting System)
    • exploring the possibilities of applying the agile approach in the processes of construction project management
    • interdisciplinary approach of multicriteria analysis of urban space as a system of interconnected elements (operational, tactical and strategic level)
    • designing the functional and organizational aspects for data management based on digital technologies (Big Data and 7D BIM)
    • exploring the process of managing the maintenance of public buildings in the education system.
  10. Research on measurement performance of earthmoving equipment:
    • development of a research framework for calculating measurement performance of excavators and trucks using video analysis and GPS technology
    • comparison of measurement performance of excavators and dump trucks with planned (practical) performance
    • development of an early warning system for timely detection of (in)adequate performance of excavators and dump trucks.
  11. History and theory of architecture and protection of architectural heritage:
    • materials, structures and techniques of the 1st and 2nd industrial ages in Rijeka
    • history of healthcare buildings
    • quality and priorities in interventions in built environment
    • development of a system of guidelines for the development of investment projects for the enhancement of cultural heritage
    • the ethics of architectural form using the example of buildings for tourism.
  12. Urbanism and spatial planning:
    • historical development of public space in Rijeka
    • upgrading of public space
    • management of post-industrial city
    • medium-term acts of strategic planning
    • planning direction of development – city center
    • urban landscape in post-socialist period.
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