Cooperation with the community and the economy is one of the fundamental tasks of the Strategy of the University of Rijeka. Also, according to the Statute, the Faculty performs one of its tasks through the transfer of knowledge, i.e. through cooperation with the community and the economy.
Knowledge transfer is achieved through a number of activities:
- development of studies, plans, conceptual solutions and expertise,
- design, auditing and control of projects,
- professional supervision and consulting in the construction of facilities,
- court expertise,
- professional affairs of urban and spatial planning,
- laboratory, field and model tests,
- testing of structures and materials,
- geological, hydrogeological, engineering geological and geotechnical tests,
- computer modeling and simulations,
- professional tasks of environmental protection (preparation of an environmental impact study, preparation of expert bases and studies related to environmental protection) etc.

In addition to the importance of realized income from knowledge transfer, the experience gained through professional work of Faculty teachers, especially younger employees, research novices and assistants, who can share their experiences with students in their courses. Also, through cooperation with the economy, classes are realized on construction sites within the course Professional Practice and Field Work. Since the academic year 2009/2010 at the university graduate study of Civil Engineering, part of the student diploma theses is prepared through the cooperation of the Faculty and local government units or economic entities.
During the preparation of the diploma thesis, the student stays in an institution or company, solving a specific problem with the mentorship of both teachers and experts. At the normative-administrative level, the Ordinance on the manner of use and distribution of revenues generated on the market from the Faculty’s activities was adopted in 2007 and administrative procedures were established to assist and support in performing professional work. Cooperation also takes place through guest lectures by experts from the economy, organized expert visits to construction sites and laboratories, through a professional training program and joint professional projects.

Professional events at the faculty
- March 24, 2015. Lecture entitled Prefabricated reinforced concrete structures on the example of GP Krk, Ivan Martinaš, B.Sc. C.E., GP Krk
- April 14, 2015. Lecture and visit to the construction site of student pavilions whose contractor is the company Lavčević from Split. Attendees visited all facilities under construction with the expert guidance of the site’s chief engineer.
- October 3, 2016. Lecture entitled Application of glass as a new construction material, Nebojša Buljan, B.Sc. C.E., RI ISA Ltd., Rijeka
- October 13, 2016. Lecture entitled Water protection and protection from water on roads – examples of practice in Slovenia, Assist. Prof. Branka Trček, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Traffic Engineering and Architecture, University of Maribor
- December 12, 2016. Lecture entitled Construction and Budget of the Tower Center and the Islamic Center in Rijeka, Ph.D. Saša Mitrović, B.Sc. C.E., I.T.T. Ltd., Rijeka
- March 15, 2017. Presentation and workshop – computer program Allplan, Baldinistudio Ltd., Zagreb
- April 26, 2017. Lecture entitled Rehabilitation of masonry and reinforced concrete structures using Sika FRP system of static reinforcements, Dejan Šomoši, B.Sc. C.E., SIKA CROATIA Ltd.
- May 23, 2017. Presentation of the 8th generation of the Startup Incubator Rijeka.
- June 29, 2017. Lecture entitled Concrete Canvas, Mark Griffiths, Concrete Canvas Ltd., UK.
- October 4, 2017. Lecture entitled Application of glass as a new construction material, Nebojša Buljan, B.Sc. C.E., RI ISA Ltd., Rijeka
- October 5, 2017. Presentation of Airium mineral foam, Lafarge Austria.
- November 23, 2017. Seminar for certified engineers and students entitled Implementation of professional supervision, construction diary, final report of the supervising engineer and the contractor’s statement on the work performed and maintenance conditions of the building according to the new building regulations, Croatian Chamber of Civil Engineers.
- December 7, 2017. Presentation of the 9th generation of the Startup Incubator Rijeka
- December 15, 2017. Workshop for students – computer program Allplan, Baldinistudio Ltd., Zagreb
- January 17, 2018. Lecture within the course Construction in Tourism, Ljudevit Devide, B.Sc. Eng. Arh., F.E.A.Rh Ltd., Zagreb
- February 6, 2018. Online training / webinar of Idea Statica software specialized in dimensioning structures, checking connections, cross sections, beams and other details, Baldinistudio Ltd., Zagreb
- March 8, 2018. Presentation of the tender of the company Bina-Istra entitled “Competition for innovative ideas”, Bina-Istra Ltd.
- May 16, 2018. Lecture entitled Optical measuring systems for measuring shapes, displacements and deformations, Nenad Drvar, TOPOMATIKA Ltd.
- May 18, 2018. Workshop for students – computer program Allplan, Baldinistudio Ltd., Zagreb
- October 1, 2018. Lecture entitled Presentation of geotechnical projects in practice, Ph.D. Mirko Grošić, B.Sc. C.E., GEOTECH d.o.o., Rijeka
- October 15, 2018. Presentation of the 10th generation of the Startup Incubator Rijeka
- January 16, 2019. Lecture within the course Construction in Tourism, Robert Dragogna, B.Sc. Architect, Studio 92 Ltd., Labin
- March 8 and 9, 2019 Two-day BIM workshop for students – computer program Allplan, Baldinistudio Ltd., Zagreb
- March 28, 2019 Student workshop – computer programs SCIA Engineer and IDEA Statica, Baldinistudio Ltd., Zagreb
- April 10, 2019. Lectures as part of the Open Day (GP Krk, Holcim Ltd., BINA Istra upravljanje i održanje Ltd., MF Arhitekti Ltd., G.U.O. Vidmar Ltd., MareCon Ltd., Geotech Ltd.)
- October 14, 2019. Lecture entitled Rehabilitation of reinforced concrete structures, Dejan Šomoši, B.Sc. C.E., SIKA CROATIA Ltd.
- October 29, 2019. Net-UBIEP workshop on BIM, 3d art Ltd., Rijeka
- November 5, 2019. Lecture on BIM, Baldinistudio Ltd., Zagreb
- February 25, 26 and 27, 2020 Three-day BIM workshop for students – computer program Allplan, Baldinistudio Ltd., Zagreb
- Covid19 pandemic … —> there were no professional lectures and events at the faculty
- 26.-30.10.2020, 4th ADRIATECH – Croatian exhibition of innovations in construction, SUIR Association of Associations of Innovators Rijeka, UIH Association of Innovators of Croatia Zagreb, Faculty of Civil Engineering in Rijeka, Center for Innovations and Technology Transfer Rijeka
- May 22-23, 2020, 9th International Conference on Industrial Heritage, Topic: Industrial Heritage after 1945.
- 03/09/2021, DSc. Ivan Zambon, introductory lecture – Maintenance of bridges
- 11.03.2021, Rosanda Ivetić Salopek, introductory lecture – Lifetime and maintenance costs of buildings
- May 12, 2021, GF Ri Open Door Day, as part of the Science Festival
- 05/28/2021, 3rd round table of the PRI-MJER project “Application of landslide susceptibility maps in road management”
- July 15-17, 2021, Allplan Student Competition, regional Allplan competition, Faculty of Civil Engineering in Belgrade
- 21.07.2021, Yulia Somina, Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture (Ukraine), Features of the stress-strain state and calculation of reinforced concrete structures under the action of cyclic loading of high levels, online lecture
- September 24, 2021, Initial steps for participation in EU programs – Founding & Tenders Portal, Center for EU Projects of the University of Rijeka
- 01.10.2021, Magdy Ismail and Prof. Ph.D. Gordan Jelenić, “Compatibility equations in Cosserats’ continuum theory in rectangular and cylindrical coordinate systems”, scientific and educational meetings on Fridays
- 05.11.2021, “Safety in operational activities“, Firefighters’ Association of PGŽ
- 11/10/2021, Presentation of the Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Industrial Heritage, topic: “Renovation of Industrial Heritage”, Association PRO TORPEDO Rijeka, Faculty of Civil Engineering in Rijeka
- 15.10.2021, Jan Tomec, Project THREAD: Numerical Modeling of Highly Flexible Structures, lecture as part of ZN meetings on Fridays
- 25-29 October 2021, 5th ADRIATECH – Croatian Exhibition of Innovations in Construction, Association of Innovators of Croatia Zagreb, Faculty of Civil Engineering in Rijeka, Center for Innovation and Technology Transfer Rijeka
- 05.11.2021, associate professor Ph.D. Dragan Ribarić, “Constructions are also sick, personal experiences”, ZN meetings on Fridays
- 09.11.2021, DSc. Sara Grbčić Erdelj, “Diagrams of internal forces on simple beam supports”, introductory lecture
- 12/11/2021, Fifth round table of the PRI-MJER project, “Proposal of measures for implementation through spatial plans at the regional level”
- 17.11.2021, Sara Pajalić, “Contribution to the development of the law of similarity in reduced physical models of landslides“, public defense of the topic of the doctoral dissertation
- 19.11.2021, Full Prof. Ph.D. Aleksandra Deluka-Tibljaš, “Gender equality (good) practice at UNIRI and GFRI“, ZN meetings on Fridays
- 15/12/2021, Full Prof. Ph.D. Ivice Kožara, “Introduction to operation and programming on the HP Prime calculator“, textbook promotion
- 16.-18.12.2021, Free three-day BIM Allplan education for students, Baldinistudio d.o.o.
- 13/1/2022, Nikša Nenadić, B.Sc., civil engineering. GI group, “Construction supervision and the specifics of underwater works, acquiring additional competencies related to underwater concreting technology“, professional lecture on the collegium Theory and technology of concrete
- 25.01.2022, DSc. Petra Jagodnik, “Research works for the needs of construction“, introductory lecture
- 28.01.2022, Promotion of Proceedings of GF Rijeka, Books XXIV
- 17.03.2022, Ivan Hlača, “Experimental and numerical analysis of delamination of glued layered flat structures of variable width“, public defense of the topic of the doctoral dissertation
- March 17, 2022, “Quality assured higher education – is it really so?“, celebration of the European Year of Youth, ALUMNI UNIRI
- 18.03.2022, Sanja Bojanić, Brigita Miloš, “Ceilings, walls and elevators made of glass“, ZN meetings on Fridays
- 23-26 March 2022, 5th Regional Symposium on Landslides in the Adriatic-Balkan Region Landslide Modeling & Application, Faculty of Civil Engineering in Rijeka, International Consortium for Landslides
- April 22, 2022, Promotion of bachelor’s, master’s and professional specialists of the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Rijeka
- April 28, 2022, Blaž Kurent, “Modeling and Model Updating of Tall Timber Buildings“, professional lecture
- April 28-30, 2022, Free three-day BIM Allplan education for students, Baldinistudio d.o.o.
- 29.04.2022, Jan Tomec, “Stable long-term numerical integration of the movement of beam supports and their interaction“, public defense of the topic of the doctoral dissertation
- 02.-06.05.2022, Science Festival and Open Door Days
- 04/05/2022, In step with science, lectures of construction companies from the expert base of the faculty
- 05/05/2022, “Is Civil Engineering my choice?”, “Where to next?“, presentation of undergraduate and graduate studies at the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Rijeka
- 05/05/2022, The open doors of the laboratory at the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Rijeka
- 6/5/2022, Velimir Šećerov (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Geography), “Development of the city of Belgrade on the banks of rivers in the 21st century – planning and implementation, introduction to the planning and construction of Belgrade“, guest lecture, Open Days as part of the Festival of science
- 09/05/2022, Sanja Bencetić (Faculty of Architecture in Zagreb), “Inclusive design – totally different, but useful for everyone“, introduction to inclusive design, as part of the international project “Sense of Play”, in cooperation with the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Rijeka and DeltaLab – Center for Urban Transition, Architecture and Urbanism
- May 16, 2022, Gender and gender identity in contemporary society, Council for Gender Equality of the University of Rijeka, LORI Association, public discussion and lectures
- May 18, 2022, Ines Jakovčić, “Pull, pull, I can’t (learn)!“, Psychological Counseling Center of SSC
- May 18, 2022, Silvija Šikić, “Day break with mindfulness“, SSC Psychological Counseling Center
- 05/19/2022, Nikoleta Zubić, “Which path to take?“, Career Office of SSC
- 05/26/2022, Marijana Cuculić, “Determining the thermal parameters of asphalt pavement structures using the inverse method“, public defense of doctoral dissertation
- May 27, 2022, prof. Ing. Tullio Giuffré (Kore University of Enna, Sicily), “Perspectives of Autonomous Vehicle Operations: modeling performances of road safety and big data management“, professional lecture
- 05/27/2022, Anton Bogdanić, “Anchor Channels in Composite Concrete Slabs: Experimental and Numerical Investigation“, public defense of doctoral dissertation
- May 31, 2022, Mobility Day 2022 at the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Rijeka
- 03.06.2022, Assistant Prof. Ph.D. Paulina Krolo, “Investigation of the behavior of components of a composite panel with an integrated steel core“, ZN susreti Friday
- June 13, 2022, Meeting of Alumni of the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Rijeka
- June 28-29, 2022, e-learning Days at the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Informatics and Digital Technologies, Faculty of Civil Engineering in Rijeka
- 07/08/2022, Assistant Prof. Ph.D. Paulo Šćulac, “Assessment of the state of masonry arches and vaults”, expert lecture, ZN meetings on Fridays
- 15.07.2022, Assistant Prof. Ph.D. Nino Krvavica, “Assessment of flow in highly stratified coastal rivers“, experience of application and management of the ZIP UNIRI project, professional lecture
- 19.07.2022, Dalibor Udovič, M.Sc. ing. aedif., “Identification of landslide risk in carbonate rock masses on roads in the Republic of Croatia“, public defense of doctoral dissertation
- 21.07.2022, Ivana Ban, “A grip prediction model based on non-standard pavement texture parameters“, public defense of the topic of the doctoral dissertation
- 30.08.2022, 2nd Workshop ModLandRemSS, organized by the Department of Geotechnics
- 09/02/2022, prof. Ph.D. Gordan Jelenić, “HRZZ IP 2022-10 competition: requirements, opportunities and clarifications“
- 23.09.2022, 5th workshops within the HORIZON MSCA Researcher’s Night project Blue-connect, Open day of the laboratory of the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Rijeka
- September 28-30, 2022, Night of researchers, educational and creative workshops, experiments, lectures, exhibitions, games and quizzes
- 02.-04.10.2022, Academic writing workshop, Palace Moise on the Cres Island, scientific and educational center of the University of Rijeka
- 11/10/2022, Associate Prof. Ph.D. Ignacijo Biluš (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Maribor), Cavitation in hydraulic systems, introducing students to the phenomenon of cavitation in pipe systems under pressure, application of numerical modeling of the phenomenon of cavitation”, professional lecture on the course Water supply and sewerage
- 13/10/2022, Josip Peranić, mag. ing. aedif., “Classification of landslides“, introductory lecture
- 20.10.2022, Marin Grbac, ing.edif., “Three-Node Flat Shell Finite Elements Based on the Cubic Linked Interpolation and the Assumed Strain Method“, public defense of doctoral dissertation
- 20.10.2022, UNIRI Job Fair, Career Days – UNIRI Career Days
- 24.10.2022, Innovation forum as part of the 6th ADRIATECH 2022 exhibition of innovations in construction, Topic: “Innovations in construction“
- October 24-28, 2022, 6th ADRIATECH – Croatian exhibition of innovations in construction
- 25.10.2022, Analysis of the vulnerability of the coastal area of the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County due to rising sea levels, presentation of a scientific and professional publication
- October 26, 2022, Allplan BIM info day, Baldinistudio d.o.o.
- 27-28 October 2022, Associate Professor, Ph.D. Edin Berberović (Polytechnic Faculty of the University of Zenica), “Working with the OpenFOAM software – setting up the budget case and implementing the additional transport equation“, professional lecture and workshop for students
- 07.11.2022, “How to study?“, workshop for freshmen
- 11/11/2022, Associate professor Ph.D.Sc. Ivan Marović, “Multidisciplinary knowledge and science“, ZN meetings on Fridays
- 15.11.2022, “Implementation of the collaboration platform VOLUM3“, presentation of the implementation of the collaboration platform VOLUM3 in the teaching process
- November 25, 2022, Associate professor Ph.D. Sanja Dugonjić Jovančević, associate professor Ph.D. Neira Torić Malić, Inter-institutional cooperation on the Erasmus + Career Garden project
- 06.12.2022, Presentation of scholarships and bilateral projects of the Government of the French Republic, GF Rijeka
- 07.12.2022, prof. Ph.D. Maurizio Fermeglia, “Hydrogen and global warming: the energy carrier of the future“, professional lecture
- 09/12/2022, Associate professor Ph.D. Silvija Mrakovčić, Project GraDiS, “Improving the model of acquiring professional competences through learning while working through the creation of a diploma thesis“
- 15.12.2022, “How to satisfy the concept of a green city and sustainable construction?”, workshop for pupils of Elementary School “Vladimir Gortan”
- 16/12/2022, Associate professor Ph.D. Iva Mrak, associate professor Ph.D.Sc. Ivan Marović, Ph.D. Denis Ambruš, Interdisciplinary work “SPUR model”, ZN meetings on Fridays
- 20/12/2022, Dalibor Ružić, B.Sc. civil engineer, “Tunel Podmurvice“, professional lecture
- 13.01.2023, associate professor Ph.D. Sanja Dugonjić Jovančević, “Interdisciplinarity, intra-institutional and inter-institutional cooperation at the Faculty of Civil Engineering“
- 18.01.2023, “Analysis of the effects of measures to reduce energy costs and maintenance of public educational facilities through the execution system“, presentation of the results of the implementation of university projects of the Department of Organization and Construction Technology
- 18.01.2023, Vedran Mikulec (Peri oplate i skele d.o.o.), “Application of Peri oplat, economic analysis, technical aspects and economics of application“, lecture for students of professional studies at Construction Economics
- January 26, 2023, “Preparation for employment – methods and techniques of active job search“, educational workshop for students, organized by the CES
- 30.01.2023, assistant. Ph.D. Ivana Sušanj Čule “That miraculous energy of water“, Davor Marušić, B.Sc. Eng. geol., “Little School of Geology“, workshops for elementary school students
- 30.01.-04.02.2023, “RIVER OF TECHNOLOGY, University of Rijeka”
- 31.01.2023, Dr. sc. Cela Matan, B.Sc. ing. arch., “Architecture, construction and conservation: a representative palace of the 1930s in Zagreb“, introductory lecture
- 31.01.2023, Dr. sc. Denis Ambruš, B.Sc. ing. arch., “Location of a residential building (s) on a building plot“, introductory lecture
- 01/02/2023, Davor Trlaja, B.Sc. Civil Engineer, “Construction of the Pelješko Bridge“, professional lecture
- 02/04/2023, Boost Camp GRADRI 2023
- 14.02.2023, prof. Sandra Nuždić, “Vulnerable and underrepresented groups in higher education in the Republic of Croatia“, Office for students with disabilities, professional lecture
- 17.02.2023, assistant. Ph.D. Josip Peranić, “Good teaching practices of the award-winning teacher“, ZN meeting on Fridays
- February 22, 2023, Presentation of the Erasmus competition, organized by the Center for International Mobility
- February 27, 2023, professor emeritus, Ph.D. Mehmed Čaušević, “Earthquake engineering: Twelve years of the Euro standard HRN EN 1998-1, 2011 for buildings: some observations and doubts regarding the definition of seismic load, how to proceed?“, professional lecture
- 03.03.2023, Lazar Lukačević,, “Testing of the connection and its components“, ZN meetings on Fridays
- 03/03/2023, Promotion of Proceedings of the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Rijeka, Book XXV.
- March 4-5, 2023, Inno4YUFE Bootcamp, organized by the STEP RI Science and Technology Park
- 03/09/2023, Filip Vrhovnik, “Student Entrepreneurship Program“, Institute for Business Economics and Entrepreneurship, HAMAG-BICRO, workshop for graduate students
- 10 March 2023, Paola Milotić, Jelenja Jakšić, “How to successfully overcome failure?“, workshop for students, organized by the Faculty of Philosophy in Rijeka
- 17.03.2023, Jan Tomec,, “Modelling beam-to-beam contacts using the mortar method“, ZN susreti Friday
- 23.03.2023, Elvis Japić (Gener 2), “Presentation of the Rijeka agglomeration project, component B (Rijeka-East)“, introducing students to the project, teaching as part of the Construction Regulation course
- March 25, 2023, BUS 2023 – The future of comfortable housing, professional conference for students (Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum)
- 29-31 March 2023, Build your Career Garden“, Learning Teaching and Training event (as part of the Erasmus+ project of the University of Rijeka “The Career Garden – Building bridges between educational institutions and companies via remote and hybrid internships”).
Committee for Cooperation with the Community and the Economy
- Assistant Professor D.Sc. Elvis Žic C.E., President
- Full professor D.Sc. Željko Arbanas C.E., member
- Associate professor D.Sc. Igor Ružić C.E., member
- Ivana Mihelčić Smiljanić B.Sc.oec., member – Goran Graditeljstvo Ltd., Delnice
- D.Sc. Saša Mitrović C.E., member – I.T.T. Ltd., Rijeka
- D.Sc. Mirko Grošić C.E., member – GEOTECH Ltd., Rijeka
- Nebojša Buljan, B.Sc. C.E., member, RI-ISA Ltd., Rijeka