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Infrastructure projects

One of the first projects founded by the European Union Structural Funds in Croatia is the project Development of Research Infrastructure on the Campus of the University of Rijeka (RISK). The project acquired new, modernised research infrastructure for the laboratories of the Faculty of Civil Engineering (Hydrotechnical Laboratory, Geotechnical Laboratory, Laboratory for Transportation Engineering, Laboratory for Materials, and Structures Laboratory). The implementation of the project started on April 19, 2014 and ended on December 18, 2015. The total value of the project was EUR 23.914.267.56.

The project holder was the University of Rijeka, which, as the central educational and research institution in Primorje-Gorski Kotar County, was aiming to improve the research infrastructure of the centres and laboratories on the University campus. The project is the result of the University of Rijeka’s efforts to actively engage with the surrounding community by enabling research that is integrated with the business sector and the current environment at the local, state, and international levels, investing in research equipment, and adapting space to accommodate that equipment. The location on the campus of the University of Trsat is the centre of academic life for many students and researchers of the University of Rijeka, where acreated scientific and social microenvironment promotes the interdisciplinarity of research and study programmes.

The purchased equipment is primarily intended for research, but its use in projects with industrial partners and the public sector is also planned in the later stage. Main goals were to increase the number of research projects, jobs in medium and high technology production, and technology transfer with the private sector for further commercialization. The equipment purchased within the project RISK can be found in the catalogue.

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