_Mobilnost, Predavanje

Geomatics and management procedures in sustainable drainage and wastewater treatment


— 15.05.2024.


— 11:00

Građevinski fakultet u Rijeci

U okviru dolazne ERASMUS + mobilnosti na našem fakultetu gostuju profesorice Agnieszke Cienciała i Justyne Lisowske s Faculty of Environmental Engineering, Geomatics and Renewable Energy (WIŚGiE), Kielce University of Technology, Poljska.

U sklopu predmeta Odvodnja i pročišćavanje otpadnih voda održat će nam 15.05.2024. od 9:15 do 11:00 u G-206 predavanje pod naslovom:

Geomatics and management procedures in sustainable drainage and wastewater treatment

Unutar predavanja dotaknut će se slijedećih tema:

-Results of the research on underground infrastructure – TV inspection of sewage

-Surveying of underground infrastructure and land development in Poland – rules applicable to geodetic register of land utilities networks

-GIS in sustainable drainage and wastewater treatment

-Research conducted at the Faculty of Environmental Engineering, Geomatics and Renewable Energy (WIŚGiE)
-Courses of study at the WIŚGiE Kielce University of Technology

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